
Year-End Reflection + New Year Intentions (PDF Download)


Year-End Reflection + New Year Intentions (PDF Download)


This workbook is an opportunity to take stock of the past year and be more intentional about the next. Grab a drink and a comfy seat; this time is for you!

This is an 18 page PDF download containing 22 questions on the previous year, and 21 questions for the year ahead, with space to write. This PDF is meant to be printed - you think better with a pen in your hand.

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One of the top requests I hear from architects and designers is to help them reflect more. It makes sense – as we are continually pushing ourselves in a deadline-driven, info-rich, time-poor and fast-paced world. Taking stock of our past year serves to remind you of your successes, the goals you aimed for, and of how you grew as a person. This gift of reflection grows your self-esteem, confidence and gives you the momemtum to change the things that are not working well for you.

As the new year starts, be mindful and intentional about what you want to achieve. A positive mindset, setting realistic goals, planning how to achieve them, and holding yourself accountable are essential steps to success. The following questions help you create an intentional path towards success that can carry you into this upcoming year with clarity and determination.