
Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Team Coaching, Karen Fugle, Coaching London, Executive Coaching London, Team Coaching London, Leadership Coaching London, LEGO Serious Play, LEGO Serious play London, Architect Coach, Coaching Architects, AEC Coach, Architecture coach, Business coach, Architect Coaching, Architecture Coaching, Sleeping Giant coaching, Sleeping Giant architect coaching

Who Are My Clients 2021?

My clients are the best thing about my work. From the UK, Australia, the USA, my client coaching journeys are the ones I enjoy celebrating the most. Clients who found 'the next step', changed jobs, stepped up their business strategy, or stood in vulnerability as leaders; all deserve my respect and thanks. Thank you for choosing me to work with you!

Who are my clients 2021?

It’s quite diffiult to compartmentalise my corportate work, which comes in many guises, so I decided to do a quick analysis of my one-to-one clients. Should I do this more often? Yes, yes I should!

The Male /Female ratio is one statistic that varies significantly over the year and between years. Typically though, it’s closer to 50/50. I may be developing a reputation for working with females - through my work with WIA and my report research - but in fact, men are just as likely to seek coaching.

I thought the % of architects might be higher than 70%! However, the 20% encompasses engineers, Planners, Interior Designers, and other construction professionals. And when we have our conversations, you aren’t reduced to a role or title; I invite you to bring your whole self to the coaching conversation.

My Director-level clients split between those who run a small company <5 employees and those of mid-size firms >40 employees. 30% are Senior Architects and Associate level, and this mid-level is where I see the most clients “stuck” and in need of a shift - either in performance or company.

December is a natural time when coaching clients close out, and I get a new flurry of new clients - typically those who want a fresh start to 2022! Hence a quarter of my clients have started within the last three months. On the other end of the scale, a quarter are clients who have in common that they value my coaching as a long-term strategic sounding board.

Next year, I may do this more often to assess the flow of clients. I will also try documenting the main challenge they sought coaching for, e.g. career change, leadership skills, decision-making, strategy. That would be interesting!